Two originals are teaming up this summer to give current and former service men and women the chance to make their summer one to remember. Miller Lite, the beer that invented the light beer category, and Luke Bryan, the 2013 Academy of Country Music “Entertainer of the Year,” will award 45 Army and Air Force service men and women with an all-expense paid trip to Chicago to attend Bryan’s “That’s My Kind of Night” concert at Soldier Field August 31.
The summer text-to-win promotion will only be available in Army and Air Force Exchange Services (AAFES) stores from May through August. With more than 450 locations nationwide, AAFES provides merchandise and services to veterans and service men and women at low prices. Profits are returned to the Army and Air Force to improve the quality of life for troops and to provide a dividend to support morale, welfare and recreation (MWR) programs such as family and recreation service centers.
“We are excited to give these incredible service men and women the chance to win a truly amazing experience with Luke Bryan and Miller Lite,” said Ryan Reis, Miller Lite senior director. “It’s an honor and privilege for Miller Lite to give back to the heroes in our armed forces.”
Although summer can turn into Miller Time for beer drinkers nationwide, only consumers 21 or older who are veterans or current service men and women are eligible to text and win this VIP experience courtesy of Miller Lite.
For information on Bryan’s “That’s My Kind of Night” summer tour, visit LukeBryan.com. For more information and locations of AAFES stores nationwide, visit shop.aafes.com
Follow @MillerLite on Twitter and follow the conversation using #ItsMillerTime. For information about how to turn summer into Miller Time, visit www.MillerLite.com and www.Facebook.com/MillerLite.